- Ambulance New Brunswick (ANB)
- Civic Tech Fredericton
- Elections New Brunswick (ENB)
- Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD)
- Department of Environment and Local Government (ELG)
- New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC)
- Department of Energy and Resource Development (ERD)
- Nature NB
- NB Power
- Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Service New Brunswick (SNB)
- Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI)
- Department of Healthy and Inclusive Communities
- Municipal Governments
GeoNB is a collaborative project of the Government of New Brunswick. The ultimate success of GeoNB - becoming a "gateway to all things geographic" - is only possible through the contributions of GeoNB partners. Collaboration can take many forms - agreements, applications or data:
Ambulance New Brunswick (ANB)
Agreements:- New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) agreement – as a key end user of the data, ANB have accepted the responsibility for creating the authoritative road network for NB in a tri-party agreement with Service New Brunswick (SNB) and the Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) – the NBRN will become the authoritative road network of New Brunswick. In addition to all road segments, it contains many key attributes associated with the road features such as: road classification, number of lanes, address range, surface type, etc.
Civic Tech Fredericton
Applications:- River Watch Mobile – The River Watch Mobile app will display flood forecast data as a simple bar chart and run on any platform. The bar charts can be accessed from a list of flood forecast locations (communities) or by selecting a location from a map.
Elections New Brunswick (ENB)
Applications:- Municipal Elections App – provides public access to elections information for the 2012 Municipal, District Education Council and Regional Health Authority elections
- Regional Health Authority Districts and sub districts
- District Education boundaries and sub districts
- Municipal Regional electoral district boundaries
- Municipal Polling Divisions – Each Municipal region is divided into polling divisions
- Provincial Electoral Districts 2010
- Provincial Electoral Districts 2014
Department of Energy and Resource Development (ERD)
Data:- The Peatland Database - consists of polygon entities that depict the perimeter of individual peatlands and point entities that locate field sample sites. Basic attribute data is provided including data that can be used to link the geographical information to several published geoscientific databases.
- Bedrock Geology - The generalized bedrock geology map of New Brunswick, compiled at 1:500,000 scale from detailed maps with polygon attributes that indicate lithostratigraphic and intrusive groups, contacts and faults.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD)
Data:- New Brunswick Public Schools - List of public schools and complete addresses, including: school number, name of school, district, sector , civic address, community, county, postal code, grades offered, language of instruction, website, and year of construction.
Department of Environment and Local Government (ELG)
Agreements:- New Brunswick Hydrographic Network (NBHN) Data Steward agreement – contributing designated watersheds, dams, crossings, hydrometric stations and recognized fords
- Flood Information Tool – areas that are at risk of flooding and areas that have a historical record of flooding;
- Wetlands Tool – a mapping application that displays Regulated Wetlands
- Protected Watersheds - displays locations of protected watersheds on top of GeoNB base maps
- Protected Wellfields - displays locations of protected wellfields on top of GeoNB base maps
- Flood Information – areas that are at risk of flooding and areas that have a historical record of flooding
- Regulated Wetlands – locations of Regulated Wetlands
- Municipal boundaries – limits of the cities, towns, villages, and rural communities
- Local Service Districts – administrative units for governance in the unincorporated areas of New Brunswick
- Business Improvement Areas – special areas within the central business district of some municipalities
- Protected Wellfields – regulated areas around water wells for municipal drinking water supplies, or areas identified as potential future municipal drinking water supplies
- Protected Watersheds - regulated areas around surface waters used for municipal drinking water supplies
- Regional Service Commissions - boundaries and the name of each Regional Service Commission
New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC)
Data:- NBHC Community - Provides a provincial coverage of 33 NBHC communities for the purpose of data collection, analysis, and reporting regarding health services quality and population health in New Brunswick. Each community fits completely within 1 of the 7 health zones boundaries.
- Health Zones - Provides a provincial coverage of the administrative boundaries of the regional health authorities (2) in New Brunswick.
Department of Energy and Resource Development (ERD)
Agreements:- New Brunswick Hydrographic Network (NBHN) Data Custodian agreement – ERD have accepted the responsibility for creating and maintaining the authoritative water network for NB in an agreement with Service New Brunswick (SNB)
- New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) Data Steward agreement – contributing ERD “resource” roads to the NBRN initiative
- ERD imagery agreement – have partnered with SNB to provide public access to ERD imagery for NB
- Coastal Erosion Data – online map application providing access to the provincial coastal erosion database
- Crown Grant Reference Map Viewer – an application for viewing the Crown Grant Reference maps and obtaining index information for Crown Grant documents
- Forest Vegetation Management Program - Map showing the location of areas proposed for silviculture herbicide treatment during the months of August and September
- ONG Map Viewer – an application for viewing areas that have been licensed for oil and natural gas exploration or development
- New Brunswick Hydrographic Network (NBHN) – the authoritative dataset of all of the inland waters of New Brunswick including rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, watershed boundaries, etc.
- Crown Lands – a dataset of provincially owned lands
- Oil and Natural Gas (ONG) – information on areas that have been licensed for oil and natural gas exploration or development
- Orthophotos – a multi-year collection of rectified aerial photography covering NB
- Resource Roads – included in the NBRN – the authoritative road network for NB
- Protected Natural Areas – legally protected areas of land and water that represent NB’s natural heritage
- Provincial Parks – land reserved for public recreation
- Wildlife Management Zones – New Brunswick’s 27 Wildlife Management Zones (WMZ)
- Wildlife Refuges – New Brunswick’s Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas. There are 6 Wildlife Refuges and 15 Wildlife Management Areas
- Crown Land Conservation Areas
- Forest - Forest cover polygons interpreted from aerial imagery on a 10 year cycle for the province of New Brunswick.
- Non-forest - Non-Forest cover polygons interpreted from aerial imagery on a 10 year cycle for the province of New Brunswick.
- Ecosite - Ecosites capture individual landforms that in theory outline a single forest ecosystem type at the 1:50,000 mapping scale. They are more-or-less uniform with regard soil moisture regime, soil nutrient regime, and topoclimate.
- Forest Soils - Polygons of Forest Soils Units, including information on drainage, slope, and aspect.
- The Peatland Database - consists of polygon entities that depict the perimeter of individual peatlands and point entities that locate field sample sites. Basic attribute data is provided including data that can be used to link the geographical information to several published geoscientific databases.
- Bedrock Geology - The generalized bedrock geology map of New Brunswick, compiled at 1:500,000 scale from detailed maps with polygon attributes that indicate lithostratigraphic and intrusive groups, contacts and faults.
- Minerals and Petroleum Units - The boundaries of each unit are defined by latitude and longitude. Each unit is 15 seconds of latitude (approximately 460 m) by 22.5 seconds of longitude (approximately 480 m), having an average area of approximately 22 hectares.
- Mineral Claims - Mineral tenure layer with the boundaries of current mineral claims and mining leases.
Nature NB
Applications:- Biodiversity Portal – Nature NB is using GeoNB maps to present information about important natural areas throughout New Brunswick
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Agreements:- New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) Data Custodian agreement – DPS have accepted the responsibility for maintaining the authoritative road network for NB in a tri-party agreement with Service New Brunswick (SNB) and Ambulance New Brunswick (ANB)
- River Watch Tool – a visual synthesis of forecasted flows and monitoring observations in the Saint John River Basin. It provides awareness of potential flood risks and encourages residents to be prepared for flooding events
- Georeferenced Civic Address Data Base (GCADB) – DPS and Service New Brunswick are in a partnership to maintain the GCADB.
Service New Brunswick (SNB)
Applications:- GeoNB Map Viewer – A general purpose map viewer for New Brunswick
- Find Address – a tool to search and find an address in the Georeferenced Civic Address Data Base (GCADB) and display the address location on a map
- GeoNB Coordinate Transformation Service (CTS) – CTS is an application for transforming coordinates between the common datums and map projections used in New Brunswick
- PLANET - SNB's Land Registry and Mapping Services
- New Brunswick Control Network - access information related to the conventional control survey network and GPS based infrastructures used to derive coordinates in New Brunswick
- Civic Address Data Base (CADB) – Street addresses for New Brunswick homes and businesses
- Digital Property Maps (DPM) – boundaries for over 500,000 parcels of land across the entire province
- Assessment Data – a small subset of some of the data that is collected for property assessment and taxation
- Land Registry data – a small subset of the data that is collected for the management of Land Titles
- Survey Control Monuments – locations of control monuments for surveys and mapping
- Coastal Mapping – delimitation of special coastal features such as beaches, coastal marshes, and beach dunes
- Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - a digital representation of elevations throughout the Province
- Limits of Inland Fisheries - Seventy-three (73) provincial limits of inland fisheries.
- Lidar - Lidar point cloud data with classifications
- New Brunswick Digital Elevation Model (NB DEM) - LiDAR Derived Digital Elevation Models available at a 1m resolution
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI)
Agreements:- New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) Data Steward agreement – contributing DTI provincial roads and associated attributes to the NBRN initiative.
- Provincial Roads – roads managed and maintained by DTI.
Department of Healthy and Inclusive Communities
Applications:- Recreation Infrastructure Planning Tool (RIPT) – the RIPT will use maps, demographic data, and recreation infrastructure data to assist in the planning and assessment of recreation facilities.
Municipal Governments
City of Bathurst
Data:- Air photos – municipal air photos
City of Fredericton
Data:- Air photos – municipal air photos
- Road data – provides municipal road data for inclusion in the New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN)
City of Miramichi
Data:- Air photos – municipal air photos
City of Moncton
Data:- Road data – provides municipal road data for inclusion in the New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN)
Town of Quispamsis
Data:- Road data – provides municipal road data for inclusion in the New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN)
City of Saint John
Data:- Road data – provides municipal road data for inclusion in the New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN)