Hydrographic Network (NBHN) |
Data purpose: To delineate the surface drainage features for New Brunswick.
Data description: Surface drainage features including rivers, streams, lakes, islands, and watershed boundaries including names for many rivers and streams. Individual components of this dataset can be found on DNRED’s Open Data Catalogue. Those individual components may be more up-to-date than those used in this packaged dataset.
Update requirements: Yearly
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government License
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - NB Stereographic Double, (EPSG 2953)
Data formats: File geodatabase, layer package, shape file
Data coverage and size: Provincial coverage; 148 MB (zipped file geodatabase), 215 MB (zipped shapefile), 233 MB (zipped layer package), 245 MB (unzipped file geodatabase), 778 MB (unzipped shapefile), 233 MB (unzipped layer package)
Responsible Agency: Department of Energy and Resource Development