GeoNB Coordinate Transformation Service (CTS)

Application purpose: The Surveys Act states the official datum and map projection for New Brunswick is NAD83(CSRS) and the NB Stereographic Double Projection. The CTS allows users to easily transform their coordinates to meet the requirements of the Surveys Act.

Application description: CTS is an application for transforming coordinates between the common datums and map projections used in New Brunswick. It is a replacement for the NB GoeCalc software.

Application functionality: Provides coordinate transformations for map datums:
  • NAD27,
  • NAD83(CSRS), and
  • ATS77
Supports map projections:
  • Geographic (lat lon),
  • UTM (zone 19 and 20), and
  • NB Stereographic Double
Data requirements: Grid shift files: NAD27 <> NAD83 and ATS77 <> NAD83

Data update frequency: No data updates are required

Responsible Agency: Service New Brunswick
