Application purpose:
Flood Hazard Mapping |
Application purpose:
- To provide awareness of areas at risk of flooding
- Support improved decision-making for activities and development in flood prone areas
- Reduce the cost and impact of flood events.
- Display flood hazard polygons on top of GeoNB base maps
- Overlay flood polygons with DPM and GCADB
- provide descriptions of the flood data
- Display disclaimer
- Search for a particular property, address, or location
- Display flood rasters and control transparency of flood rasters
- Display descriptions of flood data
- ENV Flood Extent rasters from flood mapping projects. Includes current condition 5% AEP and 1% AEP, and climate change 5% AEP and 1% AEP, as well as a climate change HHWLT.
- SNB Building footprints and property map
- GeoNB base maps, DPM, GCADB
- Flood data comes from two departments – DPS and ENV
- Responsibility for aspects of flooding is split between two departments
- Possible user confusion between DPS Riverwatch Application and ENV Flood Widget, as well as older flood information widget