Data Catalogue
Data purpose: To provide a framework for organized business communities to cooperatively design and manage; promotional campaigns, beautification and upgrading programs and various other revitalization initiatives.
Data description: Business Improvement polygons are a graphical representation of the BIA boundaries as defined in the Business Improvement Areas Act with an associated BIA name attribute.
Update requirements: On an ad hoc basis as boundaries change
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government Licence
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - NB Stereographic Double, (EPSG 2953)
Data formats:ESRI file geodatabase, KML, ESRI shape file
Data coverage and size: Provincial Coverage, 146 kb
Responsible Agency: Department of Environment and Local Government
Business Improvement Areas (BIA) |
Data purpose: To provide a framework for organized business communities to cooperatively design and manage; promotional campaigns, beautification and upgrading programs and various other revitalization initiatives.
Data description: Business Improvement polygons are a graphical representation of the BIA boundaries as defined in the Business Improvement Areas Act with an associated BIA name attribute.
Update requirements: On an ad hoc basis as boundaries change
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government Licence
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - NB Stereographic Double, (EPSG 2953)
Data formats:ESRI file geodatabase, KML, ESRI shape file
Data coverage and size: Provincial Coverage, 146 kb
Responsible Agency: Department of Environment and Local Government