Data Catalogue
Data purpose: The purpose of this dataset is to provide a national coverage and promote the use of a common geometric representation for Aboriginal Lands in Canada.
Data description: The Aboriginal Lands dataset consists of polygon entities that depict the administrative boundaries (extent) of lands where the title has been vested in specific Aboriginal Groups of Canada or lands which were set aside for their exclusive benefit.
Update requirements: On an ad hoc basis as boundaries change
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government Licence - Canada.
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - Geographic, (EPSG 4617)
Data formats: GML, KML, ESRI shape file
Data coverage and size: Provincial Coverage
Responsible Agency: Natural Resources Canada
Aboriginal Lands |
Data purpose: The purpose of this dataset is to provide a national coverage and promote the use of a common geometric representation for Aboriginal Lands in Canada.
Data description: The Aboriginal Lands dataset consists of polygon entities that depict the administrative boundaries (extent) of lands where the title has been vested in specific Aboriginal Groups of Canada or lands which were set aside for their exclusive benefit.
Update requirements: On an ad hoc basis as boundaries change
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government Licence - Canada.
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - Geographic, (EPSG 4617)
Data formats: GML, KML, ESRI shape file
Data coverage and size: Provincial Coverage
Responsible Agency: Natural Resources Canada