Address New Brunswick: Civic Address Database |
Data purpose: Provide a geo-referenced civic address database in support of government program delivery especially emergency services but also many business applications including package delivery.
Data description: Point data with complete civic address attributes that do not include postal code. Street address, civic number and suffix, PID number, community and county name, latitude and longitude coordinates, a unique civic ID for each point and other attributes are included.
Update requirements: Daily
Restriction on use: Unrestricted
License: Open Government Licence
Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - NB Stereographic Double, (EPSG 2953)
Data formats: ESRI file geodatabase, ESRI shapefile
Data coverage and size: Provincial, 30 MB (zipped file geodatabase), 40 MB (zipped ESRI shapefile), 120 MB (unzipped file geodatabase), 1.3 GB (unzipped ESRI shapefile).
Responsible Agency: Department of Public Safety